We depend on your generosity to make all we do possible.
There are so many different ways to give, and lots of areas of the life of the church to support.
You can give during one of our services by placing cash or cheques in one of the offering plates as you come in or by using one of our giving envelopes.
There are also Gift Aid forms available which increase your giving by 25%, so please complete one of these if you are eligible.
You can give regularly by standing order.
This can be set up via your online banking using our bank details.
PCC of Milford on Sea
Account No: 41212931
Sort Code: 40-30-36 -
Many employers offer Payroll Giving which allows you to give directly to us from your salary before tax is deducted.
Most large companies offer a formal donation matching scheme as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) scheme, and many smaller ones will be happy to offer to match donations if you approach them.
Legacy giving is when you choose to give money to your church in your will.
If this is something you would like to consider, please contact our Treasurer.
You can give regularly by standing order. Thank you so much.
This can be set up via your online banking using our bank details.
PCC of Milford on Sea
Account No: 41212931
Sort Code: 40-30-36
Reference: Tower