Electoral Roll
A new electoral roll: what is this about and why should I join in?
Every six years we are required to ‘tear up’ the whole electoral roll and start again with a blank page.
2025 is the year we start again!
Why should I join the electoral roll?
We encourage you to join because it’s an official recognition that you are connected with and a part of our church.
It also gives you rights to stand for election, nominate and vote for members of our Parish Church Council (PCC). They are the Trustees of our church and responsible for the finances and buildings of the church, working to support our Vicar in the vision and mission of God’s work here.
Who can be on the electoral roll?
To join the electoral roll, you must be:
16 years or over. (If you are 15, you can complete a form and we will add you when you turn 16.)
Baptised into the Christian faith
A lay person (not an ordained person)
You should consider yourself to be a part of the Church of England and either live within the parish boundary or attend worship here.
How do I join the electoral roll?
Please complete an on line form clicking on the link below or print a copy for your self. Alternatively our Electoral Roll Forms will be at the back of church or can be collected from the church office. You will be asked for your full name, home address, and to confirm a couple of other questions.